Tag Archives: Natalie del Villar

A Winter Inkspiration


Hello Inksters! Merry Christmas and Happy Winter!

As another way to celebrate the magic of the holiday, find some time today to write about this imaginative painting by artist Natalie del Villar. What do you notice? What is happening in the different spaces pictured here? What is the girl in the painting making?

Happy Creating!


Hair Stories


Hello Inksters!

Happy Summer! Check out this painting from artist Natalie del Villar:

Painting by Natalie del Villar

What an imaginative painting! Let’s use it as a fun invitation — our newest Inkspiration — to write.

  • What do you see in this girl’s hair? Describe what you see using all five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling.
  • Write a list of words that you think of as you look at this painting. They can be words that describe (adjectives and adverbs), words that do something (verbs), or words that are feelings.
  • Tell the story of how one of these items got into the girl’s hair.
  • Why doesn’t the little girl want her hair combed? What would happen if the comb in the picture was run through her hair?
  • If you could add something to her hair, what would it be? Why? Where in her hair would it go?
  • Draw a picture of you and your hair. Draw objects in your hair. Tell a story about the picture you draw. How does it feel to have all these things in your hair? Do you want to keep them there? If so, write a story about how you manage to keep them in your hair and what it feels like to have them there. If not, make sure your story shows us how you get rid of them.

Remember to send your writing and drawing our way so we and the artist can see what this image inspired you to create. Have fun writing where you are!

Ink This!


Picture This!

This week’s Inkspiration features this painting by New York artist Natalie del Villar.

Look carefully at this painting. Soak it in. Then open your writing journal and see where this painting, your pencil, and your imagination all lead.

Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas:

  • What do you see in the painting? Describe it.
  • What is happening in this painting? Tell us.
  • Imagine what the girl’s voice sounds like. Then write in that voice.
  • Imagine what the eye’s voice sounds like. Then write in that voice.
  • Complete this story: “The eye tapped the girl on the shoulder. She turned around and …”

Wanna share your imaginings with the rest of the Inktopia Kids community? Then remember to comment to this post. Or write us at inktopiakids@gmail.com.

Parents: For more of Natalie del Villar’s amazing work, visit her website: http://nataliedelvillar.com/