Monthly Archives: January 2017

What is Your “Be”?


Hello Inksters!

We believe that words and writing can inspire you to make the world a better place. Words and writing can help you imagine how you want to help make the world a better place. They can also inspire the people you share your words with. All you have to do is be willing to start just with yourself, right where you are!

Today’s Inkspiration is also the beginning of an Inktopia project — an on-going Inkspiration that asks you to respond to this question:

What is your “Be”?


(image from Print and Use)


In other words,

  • Who do you want to be?
  • What do you want to be?
  • How do you want to be?
  • What do you wish the world to be?

So, what is your “Be”? Think about it. Then write it down in a way that reflects you.

  • Perhaps you’ll make a large, colorful sign that shouts your “Be” to everyone who sees it.
  • Perhaps you’ll write a small, quiet note to yourself in your Writer’s Journal recording what your “Be” is.
  • Maybe your “Be” will grow into a list poem, each line beginning with the word “Be” and expressing a different idea.
  • Perhaps you’ll draw an illustration to show your “Be” in action.

Be sure to share your “Be” statements here on this site! And visit again for more of our “Be” project in the coming weeks.


Letters to the President



January 20th is Inauguration Day in the United States. This means that President Barack Obama leaves the White House after 8 years in office. What would you like to say to him? What do you want him to know as he leaves the White House? Michelle Obama is also stepping down from serving as the First Lady of the United States. What would you write in a letter to her? Take some time to write a letter to one or both of them.

Inauguration Day also means that the United States welcomes a new president to the White House. Perhaps you want to write a letter to Donald Trump. What would you like to say to him? What do you want him to know as he enters the White House? Take some time to write a letter to him.

Writing a letter is a special kind of Inkspiration. When you write a letter, you are writing to someone in particular. You are entering a conversation with them. You are letting them know that you are thinking about them enough to take the time to write to them. You are sharing what you are thinking or what is going on in your life and world. You are inviting the person you write to to write back and share something with you. Here is a letter page for to you use if you wish:


Remember to send an image of your letters here for posting or to share your letter in a comment to this post.

Keep Writing, Inksters!